Bank Job in Bangladesh and Bank Related all information in One Place.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Janata Bank Executive Officers Job Exam, Circular and Result

Janata Bank Executive Officers Job exam, results, and circulars are available here. Follow the below instruction for Janata Bank Ltd Job information. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Janata Bank Job-Click Now...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Download Admit Card for Bangladesh Bank Officer (General Side)

Download Admit Card for Bangladesh Bank Officer (General Side) instruction is given below. Here is the brief information about the Post also. Post: Officer (General Side) of Bangladesh Bank MCQ Test: 02-01-2015, 10.00am to 11.00am Admit Download process is given below.  Download Admit Card for Bangladesh Bank Officer (General Side) Bangladesh Bank has sent email to those candidates...

Friday, December 5, 2014

Social Islami Bank Ltd Probationary Officer Job Exam, Admit Card & Result Download

Social Islami Bank Ltd Probationary Officer Job circular was published a few months ago. SIBL probationary Officer recruitment exam application has already been completed. SIBL Probationary Officer job exam date has been published now. Social Islami Bank Ltd Probationary Officer Written exam will be...

Meghna Bank Ltd Management Trainee Officer (MTO) Job

Meghna Bank Ltd Management Trainee Officer (MTO) Job Circular has recently been completed MTO recruitment exam. MTO written result has been published by Meghna Bank Ltd. Meghna Bank Ltd 1st Batch MTO job Result Download. ...

City Bank Management Trainee Job Circular-Apply Now

City Bank Management Trainee Job Circular-Apply Now online. City Bank Ltd has published the MTO job circular recently. Last date of online application is 13th December, 2014. City Bank Management Trainee Job Circular-Apply Now City Bank Management Trainee Job Circular online application process and...

Friday, September 12, 2014

South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Ltd Job Results

South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Ltd Job Results  SBAC Bank Ltd job recruitment exam result 2014 will be updated here. Just download the full result from here. South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Ltd. Job information: SBAC Bank Ltd Job Results Below. All rights reserved @...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Viva Schedule for the Post - Senior Officer, Officer and Officer Cash of Sonali Bank Limited

Viva Schedule for the Post - Senior Officer, Officer and Officer Cash of Sonali Bank Limited Available Here...VIVA Starts from 27th March, 2015 Sonali Bank Ltd MCQ RESULT SUMMARY: Sonali bank result 35% passed.  Passed marks : 45 Total candidate : 219707  Passed : 76627  SO...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Trainee Officer at EXIM Bank 2015 job circular-Apply Online

Amongst all the factors that combine to contribute towards the success of an organization, none counts as much as people. EXIM Bank believes it far more than its contemporaries as it has all through been maintaining transparent and neutral modus operandi as regards recruitments. It is evident...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

United Commercial Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

United Commercial Bank Limited is Sponsored by some dynamic and reputed entrepreneurs and eminent industrialists of the country and also participated by the Government, UCB started its operation in mid 1983 and has since been able to establish one of the largest network of 115 branches...

Social Islami Bank Limited Job Exam, Admit & Result Download

The formal corporate sector, Social Islami Bank Ltd. (SIBL) would, among others, offer the most up-to date banking services through opening of various types of deposit and investment accounts, financing trade, providing letters of guarantee, opening letters of credit, collection of bills effecting...

Standard Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Standard Bank Limited (SBL) was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on May 11, 1999 under the Companies Act, 1994 and the Bank achieved satisfactory progress from its commercial operations on June 03, 1999. SBL has introduced several new products on credit and deposit schemes. It also...

Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) commenced its commercial operation in accordance with principle of Islamic Shariah on the 10th May 2001 under the Bank Companies Act, 1991. During last ten years SJIBL has diversified its service coverage by opening new branches at different strategically...

Southeast Bank Limited Job Circular,Online Application and Results

Southeast Bank Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in the private sector established under the ambit of Bank Company Act, 1991 and incorporated as a Public Limited Company under Companies Act, 1994 on March 12, 1995. The Bank started commercial banking operations on May 25, 1995. During this...

One Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

ONE Bank Limited was incorporated in May, 1999 With the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under the Companies Act.1994, as a commercial bank in the private sector. The Bank is pledge-bound to serve the customers and the community with utmost dedication. The prime focus is on efficiency, transparency,...

NCC Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. bears a unique history of its own. The organization started its journey in the financial sector of the country as an investment company back in 1985. The aim of the company was to mobilize resources from within and invest them in such way so as to develop...

National Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

National Bank Limited is one of the leading private commercial bank having a spread network of 139 branches and 15 SME/Agri Branches (total 154 service locations) across Bangladesh and plans to open few more branches to cover the important commercial areas in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet and other areas...

Monday, January 6, 2014

The City Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

City Bank is one of the oldest private Commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh. It is a top bank among the oldest five Commercial Banks in the country which started their operations in 1983. The Bank started its journey on 27th March 1983 through opening its first branch at B. B. Avenue Branch...

Mercantile Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Mercantile Bank Limited emerged as a new commercial bank to provide efficient banking services and to contribute socio-economic development of the country. The Bank commenced its operation on June 2, 1999. The Bank provides a broad range of financial services to its customers and corporate...

Mutual Trust Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

The Company was incorporated on September 29, 1999 under the Companies Act 1994 as a public company limited by shares for carrying out all kinds of banking activities with Authorised Capital of Tk. 38,00,000,000 ...

Jamuna Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act, 1994 with its Head Office at Chini Shilpa Bhaban, 3, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. The Bank started its operation from 3rd June 2001. The Bank undertakes all types of Banking transactions to support the development...

Prime Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

In the backdrop of economic liberalization and financial sector reforms, a group of highly successful local entrepreneurs conceived an idea of floating a commercial bank with different outlook. For them, it was competence, excellence and consistent delivery of reliable service with superior value...

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is a Joint Venture Public Limited Company engaged in commercial banking business based on Islamic Shari'ah with 63.09% foreign shareholding having largest branch network ( total 286 Branches) among the private sector Banks in Bangladesh. It was established on...

IFIC Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (IFIC Bank) is banking company incorporated in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh with limited liability. It was set up at the instance of the Government in 1976 as a joint venture between the Government of Bangladesh and sponsors in...

Grameen Bank Job Circular and Recruitment Results

A Short History of Grameen Bank The origin of Grameen Bank can be traced back to 1976 when Professor Muhammad Yunus, Head of the Rural Economics Program at the University  of Chittagong, launched an action research project to examine the possibility...

EXIM Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited was established in the year 1999 under the leadership of Late Mr. Shahjahan Kabir, Founder Chairman who had a long dream of floating a commercial bank which would contribute to the socio-economic development of our country. He had a long experience as...

Eastern Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Eastern Bank Limited: Profile With a vision to become the bank of choice and to be the most valuable financial brand in Bangladesh, Eastern Bank Ltd. (EBL) began its journey in 1992. Over the years EBL has established itself as a leading private commercial...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is Bangladesh's most innovative and technologically advanced bank. DBBL stands to give the most innovative and affordable banking products to Bangladesh. Amonst banks, DBBL is the largest donor in to social causes in Bangladesh. It stands as one of the largest...

Dhaka Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Result

The Bank was incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act. 1994. The Bank started its commercial operation on July 05, 1995 with an authorized capital of Tk. 1,000 million and paid up capital of Tk. 100 million. The paid up capital of the Bank stood at Tk 2,659,597,763...

BRAC Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Result

As one of the fastest growing and modern banks of Bangladesh, BRAC Bank Limited is playing a vital role as financial intermediaries linking economic policies of the government with rest of the economy. The bank is constantly serving people and the economy of the country by raising aggregate...

Bank Asia Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Bank Asia Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in the private sector established under the Banking Company Act 1991 and incorporated in Bangladesh as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1994 to carry out banking business in Bangladesh. Our Mission To assist in bringing high quality...

Asian Development Bank Job Circular and Recruitment Results

The developing member countries we have helped and continue helping are many - 48 in all. They are among the 67 members that own and finance our work. Our other 19 members span the globe. Headquartered in Manila, Philippines, ADB has 27 field offices, including representative offices in Tokyo,...

AB Bank Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

AB Bank Limited, the first private sector bank was incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 as Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited and started its operation with effect from April 12, 1982. AB Bank is known as one of leading bank of the country since its commencement 29 years ago. It continues...

Commercial Bank Of Ceylon Job Circular and Recruitment Results

With an unblemished history of nearly a century in the Sri Lanka's Banking arena, Commercial Bank has been rated as the Best Bank in Sri Lanka for the 13th successive year by Global Finance magazine - New York, as Bank of the Year Sri Lanka by The Banker magazine - UK for seven years, affirmed...

The World Bank Bangladesh Job Circular and Recruitment Results

With more than sixty years experience in financing the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and investing its reserves and pension fund, the World Bank Treasury has developed substantial expertise in asset and liability management. During this time, it has achieved a...

Bank Alfalah Limited Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Bank Alfalah Limited is a private bank in Pakistan owned by the Abu Dhabi Group. Bank Alfalah was incorporated on June 21, 1992 as a public limited company under the Bank Alfalah Limited was launched on June 21, 1992 as a public limited company under the Companies Ordinance 1984. The bank...

Standard Chartered Bank Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Standard Chartered Bank was formed in 1969 through the merger of two separate banks, the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. These banks had capitalised on the expansion of trade between Europe, Asia and Africa. The Chartered Bank The...

HSBC Bank Bangladesh Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Our global network relies on both advanced technology and talented people. We at HSBC believe in earning our employees' commitment through recognition and reward for ability and innovation. We will help you build on your existing personal and technical skills, as well as acquire new ones,...

City Bank N.A Job Circular and Recruitment Results

Citibank, a major international bank, is the consumer banking arm of financial services giant Citigroup. Citibank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, later First National City Bank of New York. As of March 2010, Citigroup is the third largest bank holding company in the United States...